Tasks and Collaboration

Some of the most advanced Features of MarketPlan are the team collaboration, task management and contextual conversation features. These features are the difference makers when it comes to marketing congruence and getting your campaign launched without a snag.
You see, most productivity and team collaboration apps out there are, well, a one size fits all solution. This usually means that each member of the team does the work and then updates their progress in the productivity software, leaving you the agency owner, project manager or marketing lead, just hoping it was done correctly.
Let's face it, out of sight is out of mind. So when your campaign launches with a few hiccups and your process is not dialed to perfection, you lose out on the most critical stage of your launch and find yourself picking up the pieces and trying to make sense of what just happened.
Contextual Workflow
MakertPlan was created around the processes, tasks and assets real marketers work with every day. It is built so that each piece needed to make that campaign flawless is one click away and collaborated on in one single place.
Finally eliminate all that meaningless jabber and begin working, commenting and assigning tasks in real time on the assets your team is working on.
Canvas Apps
Each Page, Campaign App, Action App and Tool has a view button on it. In Live Mode this will show the traffic to and from the element and give real insight as to what is working and not in your campaign.
In Plan mode however, it reveals the actual marketing asset alongside the collaboration tools found on the right side. You can:
- Create tasks inside each canvas app
- Assign those tasks to a team member
- Comment on tasks
- "@" mention team members
- Write notes
- Create links
- Change task statuses
And more...
Canvas App Task Management
- To create a task inside any of the Canvas Apps, simply type the task into the bottom right task field and click "Add" or just hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
- To assign a task to a team member, click the triple dot menu on the right of the task and then select the assign to dropdown and select your team member from the list.
- To change the status of the task, click the triple dot menu on the right of the task and then select the "Move To" dropdown and select the Kanban lane you would like to move it into. (Kanban Lanes can be customized for your own processes.)
- To delete a task, click the triple dot menu on the right of the task and then select the "Delete" option from the dropdown.
- To rename a task, simply triple click the text on the task and start typing.
- To create subtasks to the task, click on the task and the menu for subtasks and comments will pop out. Type your subtask into the subtask field and click the "Add" button or just hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
- To assign a subtask to a team member, click the triple dot menu on the right of the subtask and then select the "Assign To" dropdown and select you team member from the list.
- To mark a subtask as complete, click the triple dot menu on the right of the subtask and then select "Mark As Done
- To delete a subtask, click the triple dot menu on the right of the subtask and then select the "Delete" option from the dropdown.
- To rename a subtask, simply triple click the text on the task and start typing.
- To comment on a task, click on the task and the menu for subtasks and comments will pop out. Type your comment into the comment field and click the "Send" button or just hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
- To mention someone in your comment on a task, just type the "@" symbol into the comment box and a list of your team mates will come up. Select the team mate your want to mention and after leaving the comment click the "Send" button or just hit the enter key on your keyboard.
- To write notes inside the canvas app, look for a button called Notes and click it. This will bring up the writing space for that app.
- To chat with your team while inside of the canvas app, click on the chat icon on the left of the taskbar.
- To minimize the task bar and view the canvas app full screen, click on the arrow on the left of the taskbar.
Progress Visualization
Now here is where things begin to take shape in a revolutionary way. On each asset placed on the Canvas that has tasks, there are two visual representations signifying the progress of each asset.
- The percentage completed counter allows agency owners and project managers to know how far each asset is progressing and when completed, each Canvas App will have a checkmark in place of the percentage counter. This will allow you to sign off on every asset and once you have checkmarks everywhere... It's launch time!
- For each team member, MarketPlan will display a red notification on the top left of every element that has a task assigned to them or unread comment with their "@" mention on those tasks.
These are very highly effective signifiers that will help you stay focused on what needs your attention inside of every campaign you build and launch.
The Kanban
Collaborating right on the marketing assets you are creating and implementing is a game changer but what if you don't want to keep jumping in and out of each made for marketing app? Let's go to the Kanban to get the 30,000 foot view of all of the tasks for this campaign.
When you click the Kanban toggle on the top right on the screen, the Kanban will overlay over your plan.
Now this is not just any old drag and drop card based Kanban... This is a fully searchable, filterable, custom lane Kanban with a timeline built in for unprecedented task planning and dynamic team management.
- To live search for a task, just begin typing into the search field on the top right of the Kanban interface.
- To create a task, you can either click on the plus icon on the top of each lane or just drag the "Drag New Card" button into any lane and drop it in place.
- To add a Kanban lane, click the plus icon in between each lane in the location where you want the lane to show up.
- To change the color of each Kanban lane, click the triple dot menu and select the color you would like that lane to be from the drop down list.
- To delete a Kanban lane, click the triple dot menu and select the "Delete" option from the drop down list.
- To move a card into a new status lane, just click and drag anywhere on the card and drop it into the desired lane.
- To edit the title of a Kanban card, triple click the title on the card and start typing.
- To edit the description of a Kanban card, triple click the description are on the card and start typing.
- To change the color signifier for for a Kanban card, click on the colored square on the top right of the card and select the signifier from the dropdown list.
- To assign the task to a teammate or client, click on the member icon and select the desired team member from the dropdown list.
- To duplicate a card, click on the duplicate icon on the top right of the Kanban card.
- To view cards assigned to specific members, click on each team members profile and the Kanban will filter each of the cards to show only cards belonging to the team members you have selected.
- To bring up the task details, just click on the card. Here you can edit the title, edit the description, add subtasks and comment on the card.
- To jump into the mini app associated with a card, click on the "View" button on the bottom of each card that is associated with a Canvas App.
- To set a due date for a task, click on the watch icon on the bottom left of each card and after setting the date click save.
- To edit your card on the timeline first set a due date and then head into the timeline. Once on the timeline you can drag the start and end dates as well as edit and assign the card as needed.
With MarketPlan's collaboration tools, you now have all you need to manage your team's work, know what you need to do in each plan, and leverage powerful features that can help you get to market and launch, crossing every 't' dotting every 'i' and along the way.
Learn more on Youtube here.