
At the highest stage of the MarketPlan hierarchy is the project.
Projects can be created and organized as you please. Whether it's clients, businesses, or even your own custom order, MarketPlan projects allows you to stay organized and keep organized.
Project Creation
Hover over the top left to see all of the projects you currently have and create a new project when needed. To create a new project, just click the new project button and enter a name. Then, click the check mark to create it.
Project Menu
If I click on the top left here, you'll see the options for project settings, duplicating my project and deleting a project. If I'd like to reorder my project on the list. I can hover over the drag handle and drag my project in whatever order I'd like.
Here on the name of my project, I can easily change the name by just clicking and typing.
On the right of the project area. You'll see three tabs. Plans, Team, and a settings icon.
The plan's area is where your groups and plans will live.
The team area is where you can invite, add, or remove team members from this project.
The settings area is where you can control what access each team member has based on their permissions.
Let's head back to the plans area to talk about groups.
Groups are an easy way for you to categorize your plans. A project. Has groups and groups have plans.
Let's go over the functionality and features behind groups. The first is that you can reorder a group by simply dragging and dropping it into the desired location.
Next is our minimize and maximize feature, allowing you ease of control when reordering multiple groups together. Or managing groups in general.
You can rename a group by simply triple clicking and renaming the group on the spot.
You can create new plans inside of a group by clicking the new plan button.
By clicking on the three dots on the right of your group panel. You can move groups up and down in order, rename, and even delete them.
Now let's dive a little deeper into project settings.
Project Settings
If I click this icon next to the project name, I can click project settings and a project settings modal comes up.
These projects settings allow me to rename the project, set what my custom thumbnail of every single plan in the project is by default, upload an image, select a currency for the entire project, which is very useful for those who are servicing clients from multiple countries, invert my icons on my canvas, and turn my plan stats off or on hover and turn on or off my plan percentage.
Once. I'm happy with my project settings and now have everything I need to present this to my team, my clients or even just to keep it categorized for myself.
In the next video, we'll be diving even deeper by showing you how you can actually customize each plan inside of a project.
Looking forward to seeing how you're going to use projects inside of market plan for you, your business and your clients.
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